What to do When There’s a Bat in Your House
When a rogue bat enters the dwelling of your home, it’s only natural to well, freak out.
KAZ has come up with The Three C’s to help ensure safety and calm the chaos if a Chiroptera should ever enter the dwelling of your home!
Bats, otherwise known as Chiroptera (C what we did there 😉)
The first of the three C’s, Confine the bat to one room area of the house by closing off any open doors and windows.
Once the bat is confined it is important to conceal the room or area closing off any potential exits. — For example, gaps under doorways can be concealed with a towel.
Leave it to the professionals, and call KAZ Wildlife! A licensed and trained professional from the KAZ team will come to safely remove the bat from your home.
Bats safely removed from homes by KAZ Wildlife.